Jennifer Vaughn Artist Agency - Kim Rosen poster illustration for World Sparrow Day
March 28, 2012

Kim Rosen poster illustration for World Sparrow Day

From Kim’s Blog – by Kim Rosen:
“A few years ago I illustrated a portrait of Mohammed Dilawar for TIME magazine for their special report on “Environmental Heroes”.
It has been Mohammed’s mission to save the sparrows of India once he learned about the declining population in 2005. After seeing a sparrow building a nest in a switch box of a telephone pole, Mohammed decided to help. He started designing and building wooden nesting boxes and then manufactured them on a nonprofit basis. In less than three years he’s sold more than a 1,000 of these nests. You can read the full TIME article <and see the original illustration> HERE.

Mohammed and I have been in touch since the TIME article was published in 2008. He recently asked me to illustrate a poster and a web banner to help further spread awareness of not only the sparrows, but of all common birds in India that are on the decline. I admire Mohammed and his efforts and I was honored to have been asked to help with his mission. March 20th is World Sparrow Day. Here are a few links if you’d like to learn more about Mohammed’s efforts or learn how to help.”

Kim Rosen – Poster illustration for “World Sparrow Day”

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illustration, Kim Rosen